​​​​​JSE Johannesburg Auditorium

The JSE Auditorium can accommodate 145 cinema style seated guests. Entertain them before or after your function with up to 12 cocktail tables that can be set up in an adjacent area. Guests can park on-site or next door.

The auditorium stage offers enough space to host armchair sessions or panel discussions. The auditorium venue is equipped with two cameras and an audio visual control desk, making it ideal to stream or video conference your proceedings.

Standalone company banners can be placed in the auditorium. Please refer to our venue hi​​re terms and conditions, JSE Event Resource Guide and FAQ section for additional information.

In addition to a choice of technical facilities offered through two packages, you are welcome to arrange for specialized AV equipment. JSE preferred suppliers can also offer catering, décor & flower arrangements:

Standard Equipment Package
Premium Equipment Package

Once you fill in a booking enquir​y form you will be allocated an Event Officer who will be your point of contact through the planning stages up until the day of your function.

The JSE houses a media hub on its premises. There are TV and radio studios from where SABC​ and Power FM broadcast, so if you're hosting annual results announcements in the auditorium it's just a few convenient steps to the studios for interviews with journalists and the media.

Please browse through our venue gallery to get an idea of what's possible and what the auditorium venue has to offer.

JSE All Venues
JSE Auditorium Venue
JSE Atrium Venue
JSE 1sr floor venue
JSE Wallboard Venue
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Johannesburg Venue
Johannesburg Venue
Johannesburg Venue
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JSE Johannesburg Auditorium Venue

Physical Address

JSE Limited
One Exchange Square
Gwen Lane

GPS Coordinates

Latitude: -26.1018
Longitude: 28.05671

Postal Address

Private Bag X991174
Sandton, 2196

Contact Information

Tel: +27 11 520 7000
Email: [email protected]

Contact Enquiry

​JSE Johannesburg Atrium, Entertainment & Reception​

The JSE Atrium & Entertainment Venue includes a bar area and is ideal for seminars, training and banquets. You can choose from up to five layouts, depending on the type of function and number of guests you're planning to host:

​​​Lay​out Option ​Number ​of Guests ​D​escription
​Cinema Style 180 Seated, rows of chairs
Classroom Style 70 ​​Seated, rows of tabes and chairs
Cocktail Style ​200-350 Depending on area booked
Banquet St​​yle ​75​​ Seated, ​at 183 cm wide round tables
U-Shaped Style ​50 ​Seated​

You can also hire the JSE reception venue if that's more suited to the type of function you're planning. Here, you can accommodate more guests than the atrium and entertainment area.

All venue hire offers a choice between two technical facilities packages, and can be booked on a half or full day basis, with parking available on-site or next door:

Standard Equipment Package
Premium Equipment Package

Additional services that offer broadcast, streaming, conferencing, photography, catering, décor and flower arrangements can be arranged through preferred suppliers. Please refer to our venue & facilities terms and conditions, JSE Event Resource Guide and FAQ section for additional information, or browse through our venue gallery to get an idea of what these function areas have to offer.

Johannesburg Auditorium
Johannesburg Auditorium
Johannesburg Auditorium

JSE Johannesburg Atrium, Entertainment & Reception Venue

Physical Address

JSE Limited
One Exchange Square
Gwen Lane

GPS Coordinates

Latitude: -26.1018
Longitude: 28.05671

Postal Address

Private Bag X991174
Sandton, 2196

Contact Information

Tel: +27 11 520 7000
Email: [email protected]

Contact Enquiry